

Welcome to the CloudWaitress API documentation. Contact us if you have any questions


To authorize, use this code:

  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"

Make sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with your API key.

CloudWaitress uses API keys to allow access to the API. Register a new API key under your restaurant settings.

CloudWaitress expects for the API key to be included in all API requests to the server in a header that looks like the following:


There is a limit of 60 requests in a 60 second period. After 60 seconds has passed, your limit will be reset.

The following headers will be present in each response and will indicate your rate limit details

Header Description
X-Rate-Limit-Limit The number of API requests per 60 seconds allowed
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining The number of API requests you have remaining for this 60 second period
X-Rate-Limit-Expiry The unix timestamp (milliseconds) at which the current 60 second period will expire

Response Format

Success response, will contain additional fields relating to request

  "outcome": 0

Error response with message key for description

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Error message"

All responses follow a standardised JSON format. The "outcome" key indicates whether the operation was a success.

If the "outcome" is 0, the operation is successful and the response will contain additional data relating to the request.

If the "outcome" is 1, it indicates an error occurred. The "message" key will provide a description of the error.

Order Model

Base Object

Field Description
_id The unique ID of the object
created A unix timestamp of the order creation time (milliseconds)
restaurant_id The unique ID of the restaurant associated with the order
organisation_id The unique ID of the organisation associated with the order
number The order number as shown to the customer and restaurant staff
status The status of the order, can be unconfirmed, confirmed, ready, on_route, complete
notes Any order notes as entered by the customer
bill See OrderBill object
payment See OrderPayment object
customer See OrderCustomer object
promos See OrderPromo object. Contains an array of the OrderPromo object
dishes See OrderDish object. Contains an array of the OrderDish object
config See OrderConfig object
ready_in See OrderReadyIn object. This field optional and may be undefined depending on the restaurants settings
delivery_in See OrderDeliveryIn object. This field optional and may be undefined depending on the restaurants settings


Represents the order totals as shown to the customer

Field Type Description
currency string 3 letter code currency of the bill
total number Total order value as number
total_cents number Total order value in cents
cart number Total value of the customers cart
discount number Total value of any discount that has been applied
taxes OrderTax Contains an array of OrderTax objects
tax_in_prices boolean Indicates whether the prices include tax or whether tax has been added onto the cart total
fees OrderFee Contains an array of OrderFee objects


Represents a fee that may be added to the customers cart based on certain conditions

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of the fee
name string The display name
fixed_value number The fixed value of this fee
percent_value number The percentage value of this fee
value number The final value of this fee which is added to the customers cart
is_payment_fee boolean Indicates if this fee is due to a payment based condition
voided boolean Indicates whether this fee has been voided


Represents the order totals as shown to the customer

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of the tax
name string The display name of this tax
rate number The % value of this tax, 10% is simply the value 10
compound boolean Whether this tax value should compound with order taxes
amount number The value of this tax in the customers bill


Represents the payment details relating to an order

Field Type Description
method string cash, card, stripe, paypal, paygate_payweb, poli_pay, ipay88, bambora_apac
currency string The final payment currency, may be different if an online payment processor is used
total number The final payment total
total_cents number The final payment total in cents
status string success, pending, error
reference string The reference payment ID as returned by a payment processor
reference_status string The reference payment status as returned by a payment processor
error string The error description if an error occurred with the payment


Represents the customer details relating to the order

Field Type Description
_id string Unique customer ID
name string Name as entered by the customer
phone string Phone number entered by the customer
email string Email entered by the customer


Represents the payment details relating to the order

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of this promo
name string Display name
code string The code entered by a customer to redeem this promo
fixed_discount number Fixed discount value of the promo
percent_discount number Percentage discount value of the promo
min_order number / "" Minimum cart order required
max_uses number / "" Maximum total uses allowed by this promo
auto_apply boolean Is this promo automatically applied if possible
once_per_customer boolean Indicates promo limited to one use per customer
logged_in_only boolean Indicates promo is only for customers who are registered
valid_times Array<{ "start": number, "end": number }> Array of objects containing the keys start and end. Each of this has a unix timestamp (milliseconds) indicating the valid periods of this promo
disabled boolean Indicates whether promo has been disabled by the restaurant


Line items as shown to the customer

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of this dish
menu_id string Unique ID of the menu
category_id string Unique ID of the dish category
name string Dish name
display_name string Display name. Overrides dish name if set.
qty number Dish quantity
price number Dish total price
subtitle string Dish subtitle from menu
tags string[] IDs of dish tags
status string Availability status (experimental). Values: null (default), 'no-stock', 'not-available', 'hidden'
ingredients DishIngredient[] Total value of any discount that has been applied
option_sets OptionSet[] Contains an array of OrderTax objects


Specifies whether the ingredient should be included or excluded

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of this ingredient
name string Name of the ingredient
active boolean True to include. False to exclude. Default to true.


Dish modifiers or choices to be added to the dish

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of this option set
name string Name of the option set
display_name boolean If set, it displays instead of name
conditions OptionSetConditions Rules for applying this option set into the dish
options OptionSetOption[] Selected options


Option set rules

Field Type Description
required boolean Option set is required to be specified
multi_select boolean Allows to select multiple options.
quantity_select boolean Allows quantity to be set. Otherwise, on/off only.
min_options boolean Minimum number of selected options.
max_options boolean Maximum number of selected options.
free_amount number Free quantity before charging.


Selected option

Field Type Description
_id string Unique ID of this option
name string Option name
quantity number Specified quantity
price number Price of the option
status string Availability status (experimental). Values: null (default), 'no-stock', 'not-available', 'hidden'

Order API

Get Orders

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" \ 
  -d `
      "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
      "limit": 10,
      "page": 1,
      "sort": { "created": -1 },


  "outcome": 0,
  "count": 90,
  "items": [
        "_id": "123",
        "notes": "",
        "created": 1553398645547,
        "updated": null,
        "restaurant_id": "123",
        "organisation_id": "123",
        "status": "unconfirmed",
        "number": 200,
        "bill": {
            "currency": "USD",
            "total": 10,
            "total_cents": 1000,
            "cart": 10,
            "discount": 0,
            "taxes": [
                    "_id": "123",
                    "name": "GST",
                    "rate": 10,
                    "compound": false,
                    "amount": 0.91
            "tax_in_prices": true,
            "fees": []
        "payment": {
            "method": "cash",
            "currency": "USD",
            "total": 10,
            "total_cents": 1000,
            "status": "success",
            "reference": null,
            "reference_status": null,
            "error": null
        "customer": {
            "_id": "123",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "phone": "1234 1234",
            "email": ""
        "promos": [],
        "dishes": [
              "_id" : "H1x3H2LZV", 
              "type" : "standard", 
              "menu_id" : "rJMFG38ZN", 
              "category_id" : "BJb0Z3IbN", 
              "name" : "Hawaiian", 
              "display_name" : "", 
              "price" : 6, 
              "subtitle" : "", 
              "tags" : [], 
              "status" : null, 
              "ingredients" : [
                      "_id" : "rkjKBnU-N", 
                      "name" : "Tomato Base", 
                      "active" : true
                      "_id" : "HkOcB3U-4", 
                      "name" : "Ham", 
                      "active" : true
                      "_id" : "SkCqB3UZV", 
                      "name" : "Pineapple", 
                      "active" : true
                      "_id" : "B1FornIWN", 
                      "name" : "Cheese", 
                      "active" : true
              "option_sets" : [
                      "_id" : "SkQoU2UbV", 
                      "name" : "Base Choice", 
                      "display_name" : "", 
                      "conditions" : {
                          "required" : true, 
                          "multi_select" : false, 
                          "quantity_select" : false, 
                          "min_options" : 1, 
                          "max_options" : "", 
                          "free_amount" : ""
                      "options" : [
                              "_id" : "2y53KyrXg", 
                              "name" : "Gluten Free", 
                              "price" : "4.0", 
                              "quantity" : 1
                      "_id" : "rJI3G4uZV", 
                      "name" : "Extra Toppings", 
                      "display_name" : "", 
                      "conditions" : {
                          "required" : false, 
                          "multi_select" : true, 
                          "quantity_select" : false, 
                          "min_options" : 1, 
                          "max_options" : "", 
                          "free_amount" : ""
                      "options" : [

                      "_id" : "-ef37By_T", 
                      "name" : "Extra Swirls / Sauces", 
                      "display_name" : "", 
                      "conditions" : {
                          "required" : false, 
                          "multi_select" : true, 
                          "quantity_select" : false, 
                          "min_options" : "", 
                          "max_options" : "", 
                          "free_amount" : ""
                      "options" : [

              "price_type" : "standard", 
              "choices" : [

              "qty" : 1, 
              "notes" : ""
            "type": "standard",
            "_id": "GiZ4U5MeOy",
            "menu_id": "jvfMUwpwU",
            "category_id": "ejyil1ojkF",
            "name": "Pepperoni",
            "display_name": "",
            "price": 16,
            "subtitle": "",
            "tags": [
            "status": null,
            "ingredients": [
                    "_id": "SJerI3IW4",
                    "name": "Cheese",
                    "active": true
                    "_id": "ry_SU38-V",
                    "name": "Pepperoni",
                    "active": true
            "option_sets": [
                    "_id": "ufS0palSt",
                    "name": "Pizza Menu - Base Choice",
                    "display_name": "Base Choice",
                    "conditions": {
                        "required": true,
                        "multi_select": false,
                        "quantity_select": false,
                        "min_options": "",
                        "max_options": "",
                        "free_amount": ""
                    "options": [
                            "_id": "4Ajq7XMq9R",
                            "name": "Stuffed Crust",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "price": "4.0",
                            "status": null
                    "_id": "oJzT9LW5W",
                    "name": "Pizza Option Sets - Variable with Points",
                    "display_name": "Extra Toppings",
                    "conditions": {
                        "required": false,
                        "multi_select": true,
                        "quantity_select": false,
                        "min_options": "",
                        "max_options": "",
                        "free_amount": ""
                    "options": [],
                    "using_points": true,
                    "variable_price_ref": "ufS0palSt"
            "price_type": "standard",
            "choices": [],
            "option_set_primary": "",
            "taxes": [],
            "total_points": 8,
            "qty": 2,
            "notes": "Normal Pizza Dish"
            "type": "standard",
            "_id": "Lz6dVjf_Ay",
            "menu_id": "jvfMUwpwU",
            "category_id": "ejyil1ojkF",
            "name": "Veggie",
            "display_name": "",
            "price": 24.9,
            "subtitle": "",
            "tags": [
            "status": null,
            "ingredients": [
                    "_id": "ryx0Ph8-N",
                    "name": "Tomato Base",
                    "active": true
                    "_id": "SkKAw2U-V",
                    "name": "Onion",
                    "active": true
                    "_id": "r1lkO2U-4",
                    "name": "Pineapple",
                    "active": true
                    "_id": "B15Juh8bE",
                    "name": "Capsicum",
                    "active": false
                    "_id": "ByExun8bE",
                    "name": "Cheese",
                    "active": true
            "option_sets": [
                    "_id": "ufS0palSt",
                    "name": "Pizza Menu - Base Choice",
                    "display_name": "Base Choice",
                    "conditions": {
                        "required": true,
                        "multi_select": false,
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                        "min_options": "",
                        "max_options": "",
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                            "name": "Classic",
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "price": "",
                            "status": null
                    "freeOptions": []
                    "_id": "oJzT9LW5W",
                    "name": "Pizza Option Sets - Variable with Points",
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                    "conditions": {
                        "required": false,
                        "multi_select": true,
                        "quantity_select": false,
                        "min_options": "",
                        "max_options": "",
                        "free_amount": ""
                    "options": [
                            "_id": "nh3KXPNoY",
                            "name": "Pepperoni",
                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 3
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "prices": {
                                "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                    "whole": {
                                        "points": 3,
                                        "single": 3,
                                        "double": 6
                                    "half": {
                                        "points": 1.5,
                                        "single": 1.5,
                                        "double": 3
                            "quantity_multiplier_price": "single",
                            "position": "whole",
                            "quantity_multiplier": "single"
                            "_id": "ZesOPKy5ar",
                            "name": "Salami",
                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 3
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "prices": {
                                "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                    "whole": {
                                        "points": 3,
                                        "single": 3,
                                        "double": 6
                                    "half": {
                                        "points": 1.5,
                                        "single": 1.5,
                                        "double": 3
                            "quantity_multiplier_price": "double",
                            "position": "whole",
                            "quantity_multiplier": "double"
                            "_id": "HFdEDkRvpl",
                            "name": "Mozzarella",
                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 2
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "prices": {
                                "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                    "whole": {
                                        "points": 2,
                                        "single": 2,
                                        "double": 4
                                    "half": {
                                        "points": 1,
                                        "single": 1,
                                        "double": 2
                            "position": "right",
                            "quantity_multiplier": "single",
                            "quantity_multiplier_price": "single"
                            "_id": "AimUU22be",
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                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 1
                            "quantity": 1,
                            "prices": {
                                "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                    "whole": {
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                                        "single": 1,
                                        "double": 2
                                    "half": {
                                        "points": 0.5,
                                        "single": 0.5,
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                            "quantity_multiplier": "single",
                            "quantity_multiplier_price": "single"
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                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 1
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                            "prices": {
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                                    "whole": {
                                        "points": 1,
                                        "single": 1,
                                        "double": 2
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                                        "points": 0.5,
                                        "single": 0.5,
                                        "double": 1
                            "position": "left",
                            "quantity_multiplier": "single"
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                            "price": {
                                "whole": {
                                    "points": 2
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                            "prices": {
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                                    "whole": {
                                        "points": 2,
                                        "single": 2,
                                        "double": 4
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                    "freeOptions": []
            "price_type": "standard",
            "choices": [],
            "taxes": [],
            "qty": 1,
            "notes": "Pizza with Points OptionSet"
            "type": "combo",
            "_id": "OMd-sVAMB",
            "menu_id": "jvfMUwpwU",
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            "name": "2 Pizzas with Points",
            "display_name": "",
            "subtitle": "",
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            "tags": [],
            "status": null,
            "ingredients": [],
            "option_sets": [],
            "choices": [
                    "_id": "6sfIXRGsW",
                    "name": "1st Pizza",
                    "selected": {
                        "type": "standard",
                        "_id": "GiZ4U5MeOy",
                        "menu_id": "jvfMUwpwU",
                        "category_id": "ejyil1ojkF",
                        "name": "Pepperoni",
                        "display_name": "",
                        "price": 4,
                        "description": "Loaded with pepperonis and cheese on a tomato base",
                        "subtitle": "",
                        "image": {
                            "_id": "6f1e43bd-a365-46d7-9a86-063089271edd",
                            "name": "pizza-pepperoni-600-400.jpeg"
                        "tags": [
                        "status": null,
                        "ingredients": [
                                "_id": "SJerI3IW4",
                                "name": "Cheese",
                                "active": true
                                "_id": "ry_SU38-V",
                                "name": "Pepperoni",
                                "active": true
                        "option_sets": [
                                "_id": "ufS0palSt",
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                                "display_name": "Base Choice",
                                "conditions": {
                                    "required": true,
                                    "multi_select": false,
                                    "quantity_select": false,
                                    "min_options": "",
                                    "max_options": "",
                                    "free_amount": ""
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                                        "_id": "TpazBCJtQj",
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                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "price": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "freeOptions": []
                                "_id": "oJzT9LW5W",
                                "name": "Pizza Option Sets - Variable with Points",
                                "display_name": "Extra Toppings",
                                "conditions": {
                                    "required": false,
                                    "multi_select": true,
                                    "quantity_select": false,
                                    "min_options": "",
                                    "max_options": "",
                                    "free_amount": ""
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                                        "_id": "nh3KXPNoY",
                                        "name": "Pepperoni",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 3
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 3,
                                                    "single": 3,
                                                    "double": 6
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                                                    "points": 1.5,
                                                    "single": 1.5,
                                                    "double": 3
                                        "position": "whole",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "single",
                                        "quantity_multiplier_price": "single"
                                        "_id": "HFdEDkRvpl",
                                        "name": "Mozzarella",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 2
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 2,
                                                    "single": 2,
                                                    "double": 4
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                                                    "points": 1,
                                                    "single": 1,
                                                    "double": 2
                                        "position": "right",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "double"
                                        "_id": "AimUU22be",
                                        "name": "Capsicum",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 1
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 1,
                                                    "single": 1,
                                                    "double": 2
                                                "half": {
                                                    "points": 0.5,
                                                    "single": 0.5,
                                                    "double": 1
                                        "position": "left",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "double"
                                        "_id": "YYJ4JkeYL",
                                        "name": "Onions",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 1
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 1,
                                                    "single": 1,
                                                    "double": 2
                                                "half": {
                                                    "points": 0.5,
                                                    "single": 0.5,
                                                    "double": 1
                                        "position": "whole",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "single"
                                "using_points": true,
                                "variable_price_ref": "ufS0palSt",
                                "freeOptions": [
                        "price_type": "standard",
                        "choices": [],
                        "option_set_primary": "",
                        "taxes": [],
                        "total_points": 8,
                        "qty": 1,
                        "notes": ""
                    "lpo": 0.9
                    "_id": "9fD3UYC6S",
                    "name": "2nd Pizza",
                    "selected": {
                        "type": "standard",
                        "_id": "Lz6dVjf_Ay",
                        "menu_id": "jvfMUwpwU",
                        "category_id": "ejyil1ojkF",
                        "name": "Veggie",
                        "display_name": "",
                        "price": 12.9,
                        "description": "Tomato and onion with light herb seasoning",
                        "subtitle": "",
                        "image": {
                            "_id": "4b533707-09ea-4e54-8db5-2dd2ba05a1f2",
                            "name": "veggie-pizza-600-400.jpeg"
                        "tags": [
                        "status": null,
                        "ingredients": [
                                "_id": "ryx0Ph8-N",
                                "name": "Tomato Base",
                                "active": true
                                "_id": "SkKAw2U-V",
                                "name": "Onion",
                                "active": true
                                "_id": "r1lkO2U-4",
                                "name": "Pineapple",
                                "active": true
                                "_id": "B15Juh8bE",
                                "name": "Capsicum",
                                "active": true
                                "_id": "ByExun8bE",
                                "name": "Cheese",
                                "active": true
                        "option_sets": [
                                "_id": "ufS0palSt",
                                "name": "Pizza Menu - Base Choice",
                                "display_name": "Base Choice",
                                "conditions": {
                                    "required": true,
                                    "multi_select": false,
                                    "quantity_select": false,
                                    "min_options": "",
                                    "max_options": "",
                                    "free_amount": ""
                                "options": [
                                        "_id": "TpazBCJtQj",
                                        "name": "Classic",
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "price": "",
                                        "status": null
                                "freeOptions": []
                                "_id": "oJzT9LW5W",
                                "name": "Pizza Option Sets - Variable with Points",
                                "display_name": "Extra Toppings",
                                "conditions": {
                                    "required": false,
                                    "multi_select": true,
                                    "quantity_select": false,
                                    "min_options": "",
                                    "max_options": "",
                                    "free_amount": ""
                                "options": [
                                        "_id": "nh3KXPNoY",
                                        "name": "Pepperoni",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 3
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 3,
                                                    "single": 3,
                                                    "double": 6
                                                "half": {
                                                    "points": 1.5,
                                                    "single": 1.5,
                                                    "double": 3
                                        "position": "whole",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "single",
                                        "quantity_multiplier_price": "single"
                                        "_id": "HFdEDkRvpl",
                                        "name": "Mozzarella",
                                        "price": {
                                            "whole": {
                                                "points": 2
                                        "quantity": 1,
                                        "prices": {
                                            "TpazBCJtQj": {
                                                "whole": {
                                                    "points": 2,
                                                    "single": 2,
                                                    "double": 4
                                                "half": {
                                                    "points": 1,
                                                    "single": 1,
                                                    "double": 2
                                        "position": "whole",
                                        "quantity_multiplier": "single"
                                "using_points": true,
                                "variable_price_ref": "ufS0palSt",
                                "freeOptions": [
                        "price_type": "standard",
                        "choices": [],
                        "taxes": [],
                        "qty": 1,
                        "notes": ""
                    "lpo": 0.9
            "price_type": "standard",
            "taxes": [
            "total_points": 8,
            "qty": 1,
            "notes": "Pizza with Points and Excess"
        "config": {
            "service" : "pickup", 
            "due" : "later", 
            "date" : "2019-03-11", 
            "time" : "08:30", 
            "destination" : "", 
            "destination_misc" : "", 
            "lat" : 0, 
            "lng" : 0, 
            "distance" : -1, 
            "driving_time" : -1, 
            "zone" : "", 
            "table" : "", 
            "table_id" : "", 
            "table_password" : "", 
            "number_of_people" : "", 
            "confirmed" : true
        "ready_in": {
           "timestamp": 1553398891787
        "delivery_in": {
           "timestamp": 1553398891787
  "web_url": ""

This endpoint will retrieve all your orders

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Key Required Description
restaurant_id yes The ID of the restaurant to query orders from
limit yes The number of orders to include in the request. Maximum is 20
page yes Specifies which page of orders to retrieve. A value of 1 with the limit 10 will return the first 10 orders based on the sort value. A value of 2 will return orders 10-20.
sort yes Species how the orders will be sorted. The value to {"created": -1} sorts orders from new to old. A value of {"created": 1} will sort the orders from old to new.

Response Parameters

Key Type Description
count number The total amount of orders available to query from
items Order[] List of orders based on request limit, page and sort. See order model for details

Update Order Status

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" \ 
  -d `
      "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
      "order_id": "yyyyyyy",
      "status": "unconfirmed|awaiting_payment|confirmed|ready|on_route|complete|cancelled",

Returns (Successful)

  "outcome": 1,
  "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
  "order_id": "yyyyyyy",
  "status": "ready"

Returns (Failure - Order not found)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed. Order not found."

Returns (Failure - Same status)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed. Validation failed. Current and future statuses are the same."

Returns (Failure - Generic)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed."

This endpoint will change the order status.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Key Required Description
restaurant_id yes The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id yes The ID of the order.
status yes The new status of the order.

Response Parameters

Key Type Description
outcome number 0 for successful execution; 1 for a failure.
message string Present when outcome is equal to 1. May show the cause of failure.
restaurant_id string The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id string The ID of the updated order.
status string The new status of the order.

Update Order Status to On Route

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" \ 
  -d `
      "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
      "order_id": "yyyyyyy",

Returns (Successful)

  "outcome": 1,
  "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
  "order_id": "yyyyyyy",
  "status": "on_route"

Returns (Failure - Order is not ready)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed. Validation failed. Unexpected status sequence: confirmed --> on_route."

Returns (Failure - Generic)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed."

This endpoint will change the order status to On Route.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Key Required Description
restaurant_id yes The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id yes The ID of the order.

Response Parameters

Key Type Description
outcome number 0 for successful execution; 1 for a failure.
message string Present when outcome is equal to 1. May show the cause of failure.
restaurant_id string The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id string The ID of the updated order.
status string The new status of the order.

Update Order Status to Delivered

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY" \ 
  -d `
      "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
      "order_id": "yyyyyyy",

Returns (Successful)

  "outcome": 1,
  "restaurant_id": "xxxxxxx",
  "order_id": "yyyyyyy",
  "status": "complete"

Returns (Failure - Order is not On Route)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed. Validation failed. Unexpected status sequence: confirmed --> completed."

Returns (Failure - Generic)

  "outcome": 1,
  "message": "Update status failed."

This endpoint will change the order status to Complete.

HTTP Request


Request Parameters

Key Required Description
restaurant_id yes The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id yes The ID of the order.

Response Parameters

Key Type Description
outcome number 0 for successful execution; 1 for a failure.
message string Present when outcome is equal to 1. May show the cause of failure.
restaurant_id string The ID of the restaurant where the order was placed.
order_id string The ID of the updated order.
status string The new status of the order.


Webhooks are used to receive system events via a HTTPS request. In the admin dashboard, you can create webhooks under your restaurant settings.

When creating a webhook, you my specify a HTTPS endpoint that will be notified when an event occurs.

Your HTTPS endpoint will be called via POST request and will contain data in JSON format.

For data security reasons, your endpoint must use https:// security, otherwise it will not be called

Webhook Object

The data sent to your webhook will be a JSON object with the following properties

  "secret": "47a7868c-3d9c-4934-a4b7-e2790074a93b",
  "event": "order_new",
  "event_id": "WPHr9a0r4B-ePQBTadzWs",
  "restaurant_id": "BaePHWr9a0B5Tadzr4QsK",
  "data": {}
Key Type Description
secret string Your webhook secret key that is used to validate the origin of the request
event string The name of the event that triggered the webhook. See event types below
event_id string A unique ID for the event. Can be used as an idempotency key to ensure events aren't processed twice
restaurant_id string The restaurant ID that owns this event and webhook
data object The data supplied for the event, see event types below for what data is included with each event

Processing Event & Verifying Secret

// Node.js express server example
const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
const mySecretKey = "..."

app.use(bodyParser.json())'/webhook-path', (request, response) => {

  const data = request.body;

  if (data.secret !== mySecretKey) {
    return res.end()



app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Server listening on port ${port}`))

Be sure to validate the origin of the webhook request using the secret key sent in the request. You can use this to perform a equality comparison against the secret key provided in the admin dashboard. If the secret does not match, you should not process the event.

Event Types

Event Name Data Provided Description
order_new order, customer Triggered when a new order is placed
order_update_status order, customer Triggered when an order's status has been updated
order_update_ready_time order, customer Triggered when an order's ready time has been updated
booking_new booking, customer Triggered when a new booking is placed
booking_update_status booking, customer Triggered when a booking's status has been updated

Re-try Behavior

If your webhook fails due to one of the following circumstances:

The webhook service will make 3 additional attempts to resend the event. There will be a 30 second delay between each attempt.

If all attempts fail, the webhook event will be dropped.


The CloudWaitress API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong
404 Not Found -- This requested route is not found
429 Too Many Requests -- You have exceeded your ratelimit
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later